I'm almost done with my "Recover" Album but i need to fix some of the songs vocal volume cause it seems that every tracks has more than 0bg so ima fix that up this week and hopefully get some more tracks done since i only need 3 to reach my 16 track listing of my album, but anyhow since i'm young "15" i've been having alot of love problems in my life which hopefully could just go away soon cause right now i'm having trouble how to pick cause there's two girls that like me and i'm stuck. But yea ima make a song called broken hearts cause like i love my X's and all that but like the girl that likes me is 10x better cause she treats me right, her family knows me already, and like she really likes me and i don't think she's going to do anything wrong. But i'll see forsure thoe, so making a new single called "Broken Hearts" get ready for that one guys and soon i'll be postin my "Recover" Album soon:)